In 1320 it declared our independence
Now it can help us restore it
Project Arbroath
Project Arbroath is a booklet about taking back our lost independence. Its message is: Stop asking for independence. It’s time to take it.
Project Arbroath is for you, if…
It’s for you if you think that all decisions about Scotland should be taken by Scotland and not by some other country.
It’s for you if you want independence for Scotland but just don’t know how we get it.
It’s for you if you’ve ever wondered just how Scotland came to be in a union with England. How did that happen?
It’s for you if you know little or nothing about Scotland’s political and social journey over the centuries.
It’s for you if you’re wondering why it is that Scotland generates billions of pounds of green energy but somehow we can’t have cheap electricity.
It’s for you if you think that Scotland should decide its own future and not have to ask another country for permission.
It’s for you if you still think that asking the UK for an independence referendum is a good idea (it isn’t).
It’s for you if you think Scotland is a country, not a county.

You’re sick of politicians talking about it, right? But power – real power – comes from sovereignty. And we have it.

How did we get here?
Honestly, what are we doing in a union with England anyway? What on earth possessed us to do such a thing?

The Union (that’s the UK)
The UK calls it precious. And why shouldn’t they? After all, they’ve been robbing us blind for over 300 years while they laugh and sneer at our poverty.

Getting our independence back
Read the booklet
Project Arbroath. How we can take back our independence.
Our independence was lost 300 years ago when Scotland was forced into a union with England to create the UK.
Do you want to find out how we get it back without asking?

Project Arbroath
The UK wasn’t always there – something happened to create it.
Scotland’s independent history goes back nearly a thousand years. But now it seems that we’re forever shackled to a UK that’s relentlessly plundering our resources while we’re suppposed to be happy about it.
There’s something wrong with this picture, surely?
How to get the booklet
The plan is to distribute the booklet across the country so that everyone can understand Scotland’s true position in the UK and how we have the power to leave the union – without asking.
But we need help with the printing costs. Please donate to Project Arbroath: the more you donate, the more booklets you’ll be given.
The minimum donation we would like is £1.50 for one booklet. If you’re a branch or a hub or an organisation, think about buying a box of 320 for £256. Post & packing will depend on quantity.
Alternatively, if you would just like to donate to Project Arbroath without receiving copies of the booklet, you can do that too.
By the way, there’s no profit building. All money received will go to print more booklets.